Monday, December 08, 2008

magic? is it me or them?

Bob Dies, Paul Dies, Aaron Dies, Nick Dies, and Nathan Dies: These are all real people on facebook. There's also an Eric Dies. "Ethan Dies" yielded somewhat creepy results, first time I tried and somehow accidentally made it search the web.


  1. Hmm. There is no Robin Dies, but there is a Robin Diss.

  2. Yes, but Robin is not in danger of dying.

  3. Hey, um, does Nathan mean my brother-in-law? It probably does. But I am just wondering.

  4. No, it's just the closest I could get to Nat, as in my brother.

  5. Then why not put down, Nathaniel? Or does Nathan Dies sound better than Nathaniel Dies?

  6. No, see, the book is going to be 'Nat Dies,' but there's a person on facebook named 'Nathan Dies,' and there's nobody named 'Nat Dies' or 'Nathaniel Dies.'

  7. No, but there are worse things than dying..
    Hm. Looks like none of my family are going to die.

    There's going to be a book.. called Nat Dies?
