Sunday, December 10, 2006

Extremly spacy

How could i have missed it?? It must've been huge… maybe i was reading. Or sewing. No, i didn't do that last Tuesday… poihaps i was having my 'reaction' to the dreaded word… i shall not type it here. However, the reaction is for me to lose control of my fingers (making me type nonsense) and let out a sort of strangled scream. Really strangled, because it isn't that loud. Don't worry, not that many peeple have ever said it in my general vicinity. Only three. To two of you - you know who you are. But i digress.

Did you miss it? The End of the World, that is. It was supposedly going to happen last Tuesday, but i didn't hear about it until today. So the world is gone, and replaced with… what? With the help of a certain fish-like being *cough is that enough recognition Ethan? cough* *cough i even provided spaces! cough*, we figured out it was replaced with chocolate.



  1. *taptaptap*

    I don't see my CREDIT. Honestly. That's the last time I trust a female. :-P

    It's almost enough to make me say--or not finish saying-- The Word.

    DUN Dun dun...

  2. and I think Bob is going to sue for pain and suffering, just for fun.

  3. M, I will agree with you. It is indeed joint lawsuit time. I would say we should join Bob, but he'd hurt us more than help us...

  4. um... which word?

    The world was supposed to end October 6th too. I was very disapointed.

  5. Um… my computer wouldn't show it. Promise! But i fixed it. I just had to replace the things it would show with *s. Understand? AND i fixed 'Proper Socialization'. Of course, if you insist upon a lawsuit, my lawyer will rip your argument to shreds. But to avoid that - A sincere I'M SORRY! *gasp*

  6. Oh, come on. You think I'm that weak? That's it. I dare your lawyer to rip my argument to shreds, because it is in all ways like the Terminator, except a whole lot smarter. :-P

  7. i found my lawyer passed out in the gutter, so even if you found yours on the street corner it's still a step ahead of mine, so i withdraw mine.

  8. It's just being slow! Promise! Do you notice the space between the "being" and the comma? That's where you're credit would be if the darn computer or internet or bloggy thinger would get up-to-date! It isn't even showing my latest post… yet… with the wonderfuzz news! *sniff*

  9. ::sings:: It's the end of the world!!!

  10. Noo! Where did the doggy picture go?????

  11. The Doggy picture went bye-bye. I'm obsessed with Google images...
