Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hide and Seek on its head

My cousin Ben finally warmed up to me. He was born between two and three years ago. Yesterday we played Hide and Seek briefly, and he obviously didn't get the concept, just the motions. I would go crouch behind a chair or a desk or something, and he would come find me, after I talked a bit so he could tell where I was. Then he would go under the kitchen table (every time) while I "looked" for him.

Me: Is he under this chair? No. Is he in a cabinet? No.
(I move to the other side of the table and open the small pocket on his backpack. He can see what my hands are doing.)
Me: Is he in here?
Ben: Pacifier! (which is what goes in that part of the backpack.)
Me: (trying not to laugh) Ben isn't in the backpack, either.
(A little hand appears, holding a pacifier. I take it and put it in the pocket.)
(I find Ben.)

1 comment:

  1. Me wants pacifier!

    Pacifier is such a neat name for such an ordinary object. It sounds like some great peacemaker or something.
