Yup… today. The service was… actually, i don't know. Kind of depressing, but in a good way. You know?
Jesus, my Lord and God, died for me, a poor miserable sinner. I committed all these sins, and and He, the Pure and Blameless One, took the fall. He was nailed to the tree and died that way. Numbered with the transgressers. The Bible… it has this incredible plot, that never gets old… and is beautiful and terrible at the same time. He died for me, the one who gets destracted by cold and certain wordings (the last communion hymn was:
The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord (as time permits)), while Pastor read his Death. He wore a crown of thorns. Was scourged, made fun of, betrayed. Crucified. I - we all - should be the one crying, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?*
But the wonderfull thing is, since He took death in our place, He conquered it for us. Death's power is gone. But i should be getting to that in two days.
Wednesday night, a lady at my church died. Becky L. Her birthday was going to be on Sunday. She had a stroke ten years ago, and has been unable to do many things since. She was in a wheelchair, and could hardly do much of anything, including talk, though i know from other people she was a very nice and intelligent lady. Her husband took care of her since. I saw him in church yesterday. I didn't have a chance to talk to him, but Mrs. L. got her own Easter. A couple days early. She's been released from her earthly prison.
A blessed Good Friday and Holy Saturday to you.
*This is actually Psalm 22.